Apr 8Liked by Nora Westgeest

Currently have Four Thousand Weeks on my nightstand—excited to dive in given your review! I'm also trying to spend more time on the piano. Curious what music you're learning/playing and where you purchase! I played a lot of classical music as a kid but have just been downloading poppy sheet music lately...

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I'm slowly making my way through it myself, it's lying on my coffee table and it's the perfect book to pick up now and then, because it's such a good reminder to be more present - would love to know what you think of it!

And yay, piano! I mostly play the music I used to when I was younger, a mix of classical, Amelie, and Disney (haha). Poppy sheet music sounds intriguing, but I have no idea that it means oops.

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OK I read some last night and it's making me slightly depressed?! Hahaha. Maybe it'll inspire me to be more intentional. But so far it's smacking me in the face with the realization of how we'll never actually make progress on our to-do lists because they're never ending, and I should just stop replying to email because email begets more email........

I should have clarified, I mean like pop or pop-adjacent music! Lol. I downloaded some Coldplay, John Legend, etc.

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Haha I get you! It does get more positive as it goes on, since it makes you realise you have so much control over your time I guess? But if it's bringing you down, then maybe give it a rest and come back to it later .. I also did for a while

and omg, I can't believe I didn't get that, thought it was some new platform I didn't know about haha. I rarely play poppy songs, but might want to branch out. It does come close to the musical songs I play perhaps, like Go the distance and Part of your world - I'm not ashamed.

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