Aug 22Liked by Nora Westgeest

100% agree on everything re: storygraph - I made the switch from goodreads (aka amazon, gross) and changed to storygraph last year. I loooove the AI generated summaries and the charts! the genre breakdowns! I try to get everyone I know to make the switch

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Love love love! I still find myself using both, simply because I've been using Goodreads for so long and I'm a creature of habit (all my friends are also on Goodreads and I need to see their reviews haha) but Storygraph is definitely the top tier of trackers and I use it constantly to check if a book will suit my reading style

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I have a close friend who is an avid reader and she shared this advice with me a few years ago and it was literally the advice that got me back into being a reader again. I'm actually on a book right now that has totally prompted a slump and your post is a great reminder I should just DNF the thing and move on. Excited to check out Storygraph too!

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Yes to dnf'ing!! It's so difficult to admit to yourself that you're not enjoying something, so kudos to you for realising that it's not for you and that no matter what (your Goodreads reading goal, it being on a top 100 listicle, etc.), it's important to stay true to what you like. It's such a pleasure and privilege to do so.

And I'm curious what you think of Storygraph, it's such a useful tool!

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Hi Nora,

I used to always keep up with the top sellers every year, but now i just want to read what i want to instead of what everyone else is reading. I don't mind the author or genre really, if the story/characters appeal to me, then I'll give it a go.

I got started on Michael Connelly's Harry Bosh series this year, as well as lee Childs Jack Reacher, love those 2 guys. will try something completely different after them.

Great advice, will keep what you said in mind for sure.

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Hi JP, thanks for your comment! I know how tempting it is to try and read all the "top ..." listicles but it's also very tiring. I'm happy you read what you love now and are still exploring new pathways too. I like to venture a little out of my comfort zone too, since I might find a new world to explore!

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Jul 5Liked by Nora Westgeest

This is such great advice!! I am definitely guilty of sometimes reading books (or forcing myself to finish books) that I don't love because I feel like I should be reading them and am always trying to be better about DNFing if I want to.

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Aren't we all! Truth be told, my ocd couldn't handle not finishing a book for years, but since I started dnf'ing books at the beginning of the year, I conversely feel so much more in control!

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This is such great advice! I’ve been contemplating DNFing a book and had literally (minutes!) before reading this decided that as much as I hated to stop halfway through, I needed to move on to a book I was excited to pick up.

This post found me at the perfect time ☺️

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Ah it makes me so happy that my post validated what you already felt!! Funny how the universe works sometimes!

In the end, everyone deserves to read something they love so much that they don't even count how many pages are left ♡

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Exactly! OR they’re counting the pages because they love it SO much they don’t want it to end!

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Jul 3Liked by Nora Westgeest

Such a good reminder! With everything online and people pushing so many different books, it is easy to get lost in what you want to read versus what you think you should read.

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For sure! I’m happy you could relate. Online community is lovely in that it introduces us to a lot of bookish friends and new titles but it’s easy then to all read the same thing and even think the same thing

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Hi nora,

This is completely out of topic, but what did you do after completing your literature course? Like what job did you do? Sorry if this is personal or weird, I'm a teen wondering what to do so I'm just confused as to what to do and your writing is pretty good so I was wondering what did you do after your course in literature

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Hi Chris! No worries. I'll send you a dm!

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deletedJul 3Liked by Nora Westgeest
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I’m so happy you enjoyed the post Madeline! And I know what you mean about FOMO! There are so many books I wish I could read and give my opinion on just because others are recommending them and I feel left out if I don’t. But at some point it becomes overwhelming because we sadly don’t have time for it all. This is why I truly love figuring out what my taste is and then reading reviews in light of it. That way I can filter through the books on my tbr a lot easier :)

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